Photo Gallery
Seach bar to query 8000+ products and return photos with associated link
About this project

This was an interesting project in my former job. My manager essentially wanted an application built to mimic Amazon's #FoundItOnAmazon application.

Although the Photo Gallery app is an only internal use application now, it serves to quickly find and display matching photos and clickable link relative to the search query. Moreover, every main category is displayed by default which is clickable and returns all products within that category.


The Photo Gallery app consists of two main parts.

The search query would fetch a GET call to an internal API, which searches product's name and description. Matches to the query would be stored in a data structure containing the product ID, image URL, and the URL where the product currently exist within the Website.

Finally, the data stored in the data structure is parsed and outputs images which is also a link to the product itself.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • AJAX
  • Google Sheets