Daniel Hac's Portfolio
This Website of course to showcase my passion for computer technology
About this project

My portfolio is this Website of course!

My desire to create this Website was to keep track of the projects no matter the complexity. As developers, there are many applications or tools we create and as we evolve, many apps get left behind until we want to recall something we did X years ago.

My hope is to keep tabs on what I have done and convey the overall process to this Website.


This is mostly a static Website consisting of soley client-side computer languages. Except for the "contact" portion which is handled on the serverside.

Instead of using a third party tool or publicly exposing my E-mail publicly to minimize spam, I wired up a couple of AWS Services to handle form submission and send myself an E-mail with contents from the form user.

First, AWS Simple Email Service (SES) was enabled, which allows E-mails to send/receive on my behalf. Second, AWS API Gateway was used to create an end-point via HTTP. Finally, a POST request can hit this end-point and a AWS Lambda is invoked which executes AWS SES and ultimately sends me an E-mail with contents submitted by the user.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS API Gateway